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Don’t you enjoy working on your Homestead anymore, because it is so overwhelming? Does it make you wonder whether other homesteaders have the same trouble and why on earth somebody would start a homestead? In this blog I want to tell you something about a book I read and how exactly it changed my view …

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Too much work on Homestead

For four weeks on a row we were working our heads off. Trying to harvest all our fruit, make cheese, getting the fruit processed, cleaning the house, laundry, dishes it needs to be finished. There was too much work on our homestead. The work goes on and on, endless.  I never imagined that running a …

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Stop wasting food

I found two interesting cookbooks that each have an interesting but different approach to solve the problem of wasting food in your kitchen. While Victoria Glass gives you lots of recipes, Dana Gunder leads you through methods of optimising the organisation of your shopping and kitchen. Both books provide you with practical tips to tackle …

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As we were building a Homestead here, down south in Portugal, I discovered that this process runs in phases. Since we are on a mountain ridge where many people are starting their own place for sustainable living, we could talk to a  lot of people about building up their site. It seems that nearly everybody …

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making money from your homestead

Yes, I do agree that there are many ways to make money off your homestead. From selling eggs to beautiful handicraft. It all depends on your skills and dreams. But to be very honest, it is not so simple.   I mean, yes, when you have a nice part time homestead on the outskirts of …

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Looking at all these beautiful blogs about homesteading you might think is the most beautiful way to spend your life. We do enjoy our live here on our homestead, but it is not what it seems to be. There is hardships and sad stories to tell as well.   If you really want to start …

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